2022 Liaisons

East Africa

You will experience the robust smell of our traditional coffee, hear the kerar playing to the strings of your heart, dance the night away, and feel the soft cotton that makes our traditional dresses.

Kessanet Negash

She is a member of the Health Professionals Network for Tigray where we provide mental health assistance, medical aid, food, and humanitarian assistance to the people of Tigray, Ethiopia.
updateTickets are now on sale! Purchase your ticketsĀ here.

Traditional Dancing

Let's dance the night away with a wide variety of cultures in the East African Horn. From Eskista with Ethiopia and Eritrea, Jenile with Djibouti, Dhaanto with Somalia, and Sikuti with Kenya!

Tea & Coffee

Can you smell the beans roasting? Yum! Ethiopia the birthplace of coffee takes a very traditional route with indulging in the bean we all crave daily. Roasting the beans in house allows the space to feel so comforting and warm while everyone gathers around the grass skirt and enjoys each other's company. In our culture there is no such thing as one round coffee goes three rounds with the first cup being the strongest and the last being the least. Coffee isn't the only thing that makes an appearance at our coffee ceremonies, it's also paired with fresh house made bread and popcorn!

Traditional Music

From the beat of the coboro (Ethiopian & Eritrean drum) to the soft soothing sounds of the wooden flute East Africa has many different instruments that will keep you dancing all night long. One of the most popular instruments in many countries in the east is the Krar. There are different names for this particular instrument but it is similar to a guitar. A string instrument made out of fine hairs and leather that just play with your heart. More than any actual instrument, our most powerful instrument is our voice. Chanting in groups is a formal way of celebration in many African countries.